We have reached an agreement to install our Cashlogy devices in Juguettos stores

Categoría: Others

The toy chain already has our cash management units in several of its franchises in Spain.

We have reached an agreement with Juguettos whereby our Cashlogy cash management devices can be installed in this toy store’s franchises.

The Cashlogy devices offer a technological solution that automates and simplifies all cash management processes. They allow the entire cash closing process to be automated, which shortens the time taken to carry out this process. In addition, it avoids possible errors in payment collection by staff and, thanks to its reliability in detecting counterfeits from legal notes and coins, it minimises cash losses.

Juguettos currently has our Cashlogy devices installed at premises in A Coruña, La Rioja, Navarra, Huesca and Teruel. It is expected that installation of the equipment in various establishments around the country will continue during 2019. Juguettos has a distribution network of 274 stores located throughout Spain.